Decode the GATE question pattern, difficulty level and marks distribution with GATE Exam Question Papers. Know where to download GATE official question papers for all subjects and verify responses after the test!
The GATE question paper features 65 questions carrying a total of 100 marks. The questions are typically MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions.
The GATE exam question paper consists of three sections – General Aptitude (15 marks), Engineering Mathematics (13 marks) and Core Subject Paper (72 marks).
The difficulty level of GATE exam question papers varies for different subjects. Typically, GATE paper AR, NM, MN, MT, BM are the toughest to crack.
General Aptitude, common to all 30 papers, is the easiest and most scoring section in the GATE exam question paper.
All the questions in the GATE exam paper are worth 1 mark or 2 marks. 1/3 marks are deducted for incorrect answers to MCQ questions.
The official link to download the GATE exam question paper is The official papers can be used to verify responses or practice for the upcoming exam!