CBSE Exams 2025 will start from February 15, 2025 at 10:30 am. As such, CBSE has released a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) for students who are appearing for CBSE in 2025. Some of the main points include: spelling errors, ideal writing speed, word limit, pre-boards weightage etc.
CBSE strictly prohibits whiteners in the Board exams. Students can, however, use black & clue gel pens to write their answers.
No deduction in marks for exceeding the word limit. However, spelling mistakes can result in marks deduction, especially in the language papers.
No, you have the liberty of attempting questions in any order. But, you should be careful to put the correct question number against your answers.
Yes, if required, you can ask for extra sheets as per CBSE norms.
No. CBSE awards marks on the basis of content accuracy & presentation.
Yes, you are allowed to go to the washroom, but under the strict supervision of an invigilator.
Don’t believe in social media / unverified news. If something like that happens, inform CBSE immediately via phone or email.
No. The pre-exam result has no bearing on the final Board exam result.
If you fail the theory exam but pass the practical, you don’t need to retake the practical exam. You will only need to reappear for the theory exam.